
BNR: Innovative ventilation reduces risk of corona contamination

On 14 September, Goflow was featured on BNR news radio.

An innovative ventilation system developed by Dutch company Go Flow minimises the risk of corona infections in classrooms. This is what an initial test shows at the Heerenweg School in Wassenaar. BNR's Jigal Krant went for a breath of fresh air in class 3b with headmaster Bob van der Steenhoven.

According to Van der Steenhoven, the results speak for themselves: 'The old CO2 value was above 1800, we are now around 600, the particulate values are between 0 to 1. We are going to implement this throughout the school, it costs about 100 euros per pupil.' This school was specifically chosen because inventor's children attend the school.

Source: https://www.bnr.nl/nieuws/gezondheid/10453691/innovatieve-ventilatie-verkleint-kans-coronabesmetting

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